Money Saving Expert Tips for Mortgages for Over 50s: Everything You Need to Know

Money Saving Expert Tips for Mortgages for Over 50s: Everything You Need to Know


Are you over 50 and considering taking out a mortgage? With mortgages for the over 50s, plenty of options are available to help you save money. But with so many different mortgages on the market, it can be hard to know which is best for your situation. That’s why we’ve put together this article full of expert advice from Money Saving Experts on how to get the best deal when applying for mortgages for the over 50s. We’ll cover what mortgages are available, tips on managing payments and more – so if you’re considering taking out a mortgage as an older person, read on!

Mortgages for Over 50s: Money Saving Expert


Mortgages are one of the most commonly used financial products among people over the age of 50. This is due to how mortgages can provide a valuable retirement planning tool and help to ensure a comfortable lifestyle in later life. Getting the right mortgage for you can be especially important if you are an older person, as there are often additional considerations that need to be taken into account when making your decision. In this article, we will discuss the options available to those over 50 regarding mortgages and share some top tips from money-saving experts about how to get the best deal for you. 


Types of Mortgages Available 

Many different types of mortgages are available for those over 50, depending on your individual needs and circumstances. The most common types of mortgages available include fixed-rate mortgages, tracker or variable-rate mortgages, lifetime mortgages and equity release schemes. 


Fixed Rate Mortgages

A fixed-rate mortgage is one where your interest rate remains the same throughout your loan period. This type of mortgage may be beneficial if you prefer a more stable debt repayment plan with predictable monthly payments, as it ensures that you know exactly how much you have to pay each month and can budget accordingly. 


Tracker or Variable Rate Mortgages

A tracker or variable rate mortgage is one where the interest rate fluctuates according to changes in market conditions such as inflation or Bank of England base rates. These mortgages tend to be cheaper than fixed-rate ones initially but may become more expensive if market rates increase significantly over time. 


Lifetime Mortgages

A lifetime mortgage is a type of loan designed for homeowners aged 55 or older. It enables them to borrow against their property without making any repayments until they die or move into long-term care. With this kind of mortgage, only the interest on the loan needs to be paid back each month, which means that it may provide reduced monthly outgoings and allow quick access to funds with no upfront costs. 


Equity Release Schemes

Equity release schemes involve releasing cash from your property by taking out a loan secured against it and repaying it when the house is sold upon death or if move into long-term care accommodation. They do come with certain risks, however, so they should not be entered into lightly and should only be considered after taking independent financial advice from an expert in this field who can assess your individual needs and situation accurately. 


Money Saving Tips 

The following money-saving tips from experts can help you find and secure the best deal on a suitable mortgage for those aged over 50: 

Shop around

It pays off to shop around before deciding which lender to go with – compare products offered by different banks and building societies to find one that best meets your specific requirements at an affordable cost. 

Read the small print:

Read carefully through all terms and conditions associated with any potential mortgage product before signing up to understand what fees might apply or any other restrictions that could affect your borrowing plans.  

Choose wisely:

Consider carefully what type of product would best suit your circumstances – there are various options available so think about which offers you the most beneficial outcome overall rather than simply opting for what appears cheap upfront but might be more costly in other ways further down the line.  

Don’t rush:

Take time when making decisions related to mortgages – rushing into something could leave you tied into a contract that does not meet your needs properly or, worse, still results in financial hardship at some point down the line. 



Mortgages for those over 50 can provide a great way to release cash tied up in your home. Still, it is important to consider all options before committing to any product and compare deals from different providers to ensure you get the best available deal. Following the money-saving advice of experts may also help you secure the most suitable mortgages for your individual needs at an affordable cost.

If you’re looking for more tips and advice on mortgages for over 50s, head to Our experienced team of financial experts can help you find the best mortgages to suit your needs and ensure that you make the most out of your money! So don’t wait any longer – take advantage of our wealth of knowledge today!


With the right advice, mortgages for over 50s can be a great way to access the money you need. With Whoopsie, you’ll have all the facts and expert help you need to secure your financial future. Take control of your finances today – start searching with Whoopsie